Friday, March 9, 2007

Public Service Announcement: Don't Leech

My boyfriend isn't one to believe much in wifi security... his router still had default password, the SSID was public, and there is no WPA key required to connect. It's been annoying me since we moved in together, but it's his router so I didn't do anything about it.

But all day it's taken me 60 seconds or more to load GOOGLE... after WoW spiked into the red AGAIN, I'd had it, and logged into the router.

Some fucking cuntbag named "Kimmi" has been leeching our net, and was taking 90% of the bandwidth. If I had the inclination to pick apart the logs, I could even figure out what program she was using to steal music or whatever... but GAH. So, implemented a WPA key, and am about to change the router password.



Anyways, this is my Public Service Annoucement for the day:

Please, kids, quit stealing music, movies, games, whatever. I have no love for the RIAA or the MPAA or whatever's got its panties in a wad this week; however, it's STILL STEALING, and stealing is wrong, in case mommy and daddy didn't tell you that.

I understand music is overpriced for CDs. But if you check out sites like, you can snag CDs for about $6 each, including shipping. I don't suggest downloading using iTunes or whatever until they get the DRM bullshit fixed, but that's an option too. If you just want to stream, you can hit Shoutcast for radio streams or Musicmatch if you want more control over what songs you're streaming for a monthly fee.

Downloading Anime? Buy it cheap at good retail sites, or get a Netflix account and borrow it, because Netflix has a decent anime collection and it'll only cost you $15 a month. It's people like you who leech it that cause people like me to have to pay too much for it, because the more you steal and less you actually buy, the higher price that damned distributors put on it. And buying the cheaply made bootlegs from overseas? Do yourself a favor and don't. They aren't as good of quality and it's not helping anyone but the bootleggers.

Don't leech. It's not fair to other people you're sharing bandwidth with, for one. It's illegal, for another. And most annoying of all, it's perpetuating the cycle of disgustingly high pricing for those of us who actually DO buy things legally.

You're not "sticking it to the MAN". You're sticking it to your fellow fans who actually have ethics.

Don't be a leech.

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